Free App
Remote Transactions
PO Box 729
Arbuckle, CA 95912
Point-of Sale
Software Since 1984
| |
Precision Instruments |

International POS Software for Windows
Regit Express Point of Sale for Windows |
Powerful, Proven, and
Affordable Since 1984
American Precision Instruments has been
providing merchants all over the world with Powerful, Proven, and
Affordable POS software since we first released Regit POS in 1984.
Now American Precision Instrument has released Regit Express, a free,
powerful point of sale system whose wide range of features will
meet the needs of many retail merchants.
Connects with receipt printers, bar code scanners, cash drawers,
customer displays, scales, and other POS Equipment.
5 Free Optional Android Apps for ordering merchandise, remotely entering transactions, verifying and updating inventories,
lookup of complete merchandize information, and remotely
entering transactions. These Apps are great alternatives
to expensive data collectors.
Registration Optional.
Integrated support available for Credit Card & Debit Card
of features
will meet or surpass the needs of most retail merchants.
on Microsoft's .Net Framework.
International--supports countries using either the dot/period or
the comma as the decimal separator with either inclusive or
exclusive sales tax.
Sample Screen Shots

Main Transaction Screen

Expensive Data
Collectors Replaced by our
5 versatile Android Apps

You probably already have
this equipment

Touch Screen Option (26 Levels)
Endless Reports

Grid/Spreadsheet Style Databases with Full
SQL Capabilities

Multiple Entry Screens
Graphical Reports

Instruction Manual

Bar Code Label Printing
See Full List of Features