Regit Express Android Applications
App's for
Android Devices
All Five App's are now Free!

Android App |

Remote Transactions Android App |

PO Partner
Android App |

Android Device & Scanner |

Regit+ Scan List
App |

Regit Express BlueTooth Listener |

Item Lookup App |

Then Tap Item for
Full Info |
Regit Express EZInventory App (regitez.apk
1.3) |
Regit Express EZInventory User
Manual |
Regit Express Remote Transactions App (regit.apk
1.3) |
Regit Express Remote Transactions User Manual |
Regit Express PO Partner App (regitpo.apk
1.3) |
Regit Express PO Partner User Manual |
Regit Express Scan List App (scanlist.apk
1.1) |
Regit Express Scan List User Manual |
Scan List
Standalone Bluetooth Print Listener |
Regit Express Item Lookup (lookup.apk
1.0) |
Regit Express Item Lookup User Manual |
Regit Express .apk Version History
Regit Express EZInventory App
Regit Express EZInventory for Android Devices updates your inventory
by adding to, subtracting from, or replacing the inventory
quantities. You simply scan the items and transfer the list of items
by way of Bluetooth or your charging cable. Then use the Regit
Express utility program to read the file and update the inventory
quantities. EZInventory is also designed to work directly with
the Regit Express Plus Stocktake Module.
Regit Express Remote Transactions App
The Regit Express Remote Application provides pre-scanning
merchandise to
prevent or alleviate congestion at a busy register. One employee can
be scanning items while another can be quickly checking out
customers. Scanned merchandise is sent to the register by way of Bluetooth. The function works totally in the background and does not
disturb the cashier's operation. When ready, the cashier simply
pulls up a transferred file which automatically populates the
transaction with the scanned items. The cashier is then free to make
any adjustments to the transaction prior to tendering.
Regit Express PO Partner App
Regit Express PO Partner for Android Devices creates or updates your
purchase orders by supplying or adding to the purchase order
quantities. You simply scan the items you want to order, then
transfer the list of items by way of Bluetooth or your charging
cable. Then use the Regit Express Plus's Purchase Order Module to
create or update your purchases.
Regit Express Scan List App
The Regit Express Scan List for Android Devices prints a bar
code list for customers to present to the cashier during checkout.
The list is useful wherever side type sales are taking place.
Examples include meat counters, yardage stations, deli or other fast
food areas, bakery items, lumber yards, classroom settings,
prescription drug counters, film development counters, or anywhere
bulk items are sold. The cashier simply scans the items on the list
during checkout. Each register is equipped with a Bluetooth print
listener so they can print out a scan list. Additionally, standalone
print listeners are available for downloading on our web site. This
allows scan lists to be printed anywhere and from as many locations
as needed.
Regit Express Item Lookup App
The Regit Express Item Lookup App for Android Devices
provides remote access to product
information. The database of inventory items is created from the
Regit Express Office and then transferred to the Android device.
Inventory items can then be easily looked up by entering a partial
description or partial product code for the item.
Android Devices
While these Applications will undoubtedly work with many or most
Android devices, it will equally not work with some. So, please do
not go out and purchase a new device for use with the Regit Express
Remote App that we have not tested or have received working reports
from users.
You can
download and install with most Android devices directly from this
download. However, some Android versions will not allow direct
installing when the .apk was not from the Google Play Store. If you do
not know how to install an Android App (.apk installation file) that
is not from Google Play Store, refer to the Instruction Manual
for those instructions.
You will
also need Regit Express Version or above (Version 2.26 PO
Module for PO Partner App). Upgrade
patch free downloads are at
APi Tested working Android Devices:
Samsung Galaxy S4
(Android Version 5.0.1)
Samsung Galaxy S6
(Android Version 6.0.1)
Samsung Galaxy S7
(Android Version 6.0.1)
Samsung Galaxy S7
(Android Version 7.0)
Samsung Galaxy Tab E Lite
(SM-T113, Android Version
Amazon's Kindles/Fire
(Fire 5th Generation)**
User Reported working Android Devices:
Samsung Galaxy J1 SM-J100H (Android Version
Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 SM-T231 (Android Version 4.4.2)
Tested NOT
working Devices:
*Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Lite
(Model SM-T110, Android Version 4.2.2)
*Apparently the Galaxy Tab 3 does not have external keyboard
**Kindles/Fires works either in full soft keyboard mode or bar code
mode, but not both like most android devices. Once a scanner
is connected, the softkey input no longer functions. However,
this is not necessarily a bad thing as using a "30 number sheet" to
scan quantities in is much more efficient than stopping to enter
quantities via the soft keyboard.
The Good,
the Bad, and the Ugly -- Our Bluetooth Adapter Story.
A good Bluetooth adapter can save you loads of time transferring
files, while a poor adapter can make your life miserable.
When we first started working with Bluetooth devices we purchased
three cheap Bluetooth USB adapters (dongles) for about $6 each. Our
first experiences transferring files with Bluetooth was very
problematic. Constant repairing, failed transfers, and confused
adapters were making us reconsider Bluetooth as a viable file
transfer alternative.
We then noticed that our Android devices had no problems
transferring files between themselves, it was just the PC's that
were having the problems. We immediately suspected our cheap dongles
and purchased a PCI Bluetooth card to try. We never got the card
working at all on either Windows 7 or Windows 10. We tossed the card
in the trash.
We scoured the web for reviews looking for a quality Bluetooth
device. We couldn't really find any reliable information on what was
a quality device and what was not. So we gave up and purchased
another, more expensive USB adapter. Problem was solved, the new
dongle worked perfectly.
We don't want to mention any brand names here. But if you are
interested in the USB adapter (dongle) that finally solved our
problems, send us an email and we will get back to you with the
brand/model we are using. We paid $13.99 on Amazon.
Regit Express Android Applications Upgrade History
Version 1.1 (3 July 2017) (Regit+
Scan List)
Version 1.0 would not allow having both the
EZInventory App and the Scan List App on the same device. This
version corrects that. You will need to manually uninstall the
previous Scan List App or version 1.0 will remain on the device
(Settings, Apps, Application Manager, Regit+ Scan List, Uninstall).
Version 1.3 (8 Apr 2017)
(Remote T's, PO Partner, & EZInventory)
--Added a "Save" button to the
program so users who do not have Bluetooth, or want to manage the
transfer of the files (called sharing in Android) by other means may
do so.

--Improved the soft key input capabilities for non Bar Code use.
Version 1.2 (4 Apr 2017) (Remote
T's, PO Partner, & EZInventory)
Fixed an issue with Bluetooth not working on
devices that received upgrades to Android 7 (Nougat).
Version 1.1 (13 Mar 2017)
(Remote T's, PO Partner, & EZInventory)
Added a feature to automatically save and restore ongoing
data when user leaves, quits, or goes to another App.